Amma’s 57th Birthday Celebrations at Kolkata
Posted on 25. Sep, 2010 by admin-AK in Featured, Other

Amma's Birthday Celebrations at Amritapuri
Amma’s 57th birthday celebrations will be held at M.A.Math, Kolkata, on 10th October 2010. We welcome all devotees to participate in the celebrations and be blessed by Her grace. This is a wonderful opportunity to express your love and gratitude for Amma in appreciation of Her service to humanity. Please join us. Here is an invitation for the same from Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri.
Blessed Self,
In times of darkness, a ray of light illumines the heart of humanity through the birth of a mahatma. In the resulting dawn, society is uplifted. The shadows of ignorance and unrighteousness begin to fade. Fifty-seven years ago in a small village of coastal Kerala, this light came in the form of our beloved mother, Her Holiness Sri Mata Amritanandmayi Devi. Since then, countless lives through out the world have been touched by Amma’s grace.
The care of a mother, the closeness of a friend, the wisdom of a sadguru, the divinity of God… myriad and brilliant are the facets that shine from this diamond we call Amma. Each year, thousands upon thousands of people from all over the world make the pilgrimage to Amritapuri in order to celebrate the anniversary of Amma’s advent in our lives. We sincerely hope you will join us.
In Amma’s Service,
Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri
Morning of October 10
» 06:30 am – Maha Ganapathy and Navagraha Homa
» 09:00 am – Amma’s Paduka Puja
» 10:00 am – Lalita Sahasranama Archana
» 11:30 am – Meditation, Satsang, Bhajan and Arati
» 01:00 pm – Annadanam
» 02:00 pm – Video Show on Amma (Vintage Scenes)
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